Thursday 15 July 2010

Pencils and Pixels

Wallace kept a record of all what he saw by collecting insects but also by drawing detailed sketches. Some of his drawings can be seen on the fantastic Natural History Museum Website - The Wallace Collection. Paper and pencil is all that he needed.

Today I bought a camcorder to take with us to Rio, so that we may record all that we see. And to film footage for our online education resources.

I have spent the day agonising over Hi-Def, low def, megapixel, zoom, and does it have a nice bag to put it in, and will it match my shoes!

So after getting the Panasonic SD60 and a memory card I had to learn how to upload video onto imovie, then edit, and then share, and then hope to god it doesn't get nicked.

Because I can't draw for toffee.