Friday 23 July 2010


I answer the door of my hotel room, and who is there but Wallace. ARW.

I have called Ioan early - 7am to film some sequences from the play. We go up to the garden behind the hotel. Planes fly low over the rooftops and destroy any attempt I have of creating an explorer in the jungle in the mid 19th century.

But we get some stuff. A huge blue butterfly flutters by and I try to film it. But I am so cumbersome, I'm like an elephant charging through the undergrowth that the butterfly effortlessly flits by and disappears.

I realise how patient you must have be to be a wildlife photographer, and light on your feet, must help too.

I thought we would see an abundance of insects and butterflies, but that butterfly was the first I have seen while we have been here, but I suppose we are in the middle of a city, so we decide to venture into the rainforest, and so on Saturday before we fly home, we will be taking a jeep tour to Tijuca National Park. It is the largest urban forest in the world, home to 30 waterfalls, hundreds of plants and trees and at least 100 different species of animals, and right in the middle of Rio.

So surely even I will be able to capture something on film!

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